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Meer dan 4 netwerk interfaces maken in Virtualbox

Set Mode and enable NIC

When a Mode is set the NIC will be enabled.

  1. Set NIC five to Host-Only Mode and User vboxnet0 (Initially existing Host-Only Net)


    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nic5 hostonly
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --hostonlyadapter5 "vboxnet0"
  2. Set NIC five to Bridge eth1


    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nic5 bridged
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --bridgeadapter5 "eth1'
  3. Set NIC to NAT Mode


    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nic5 nat
  4. Use the internal VM net “test01”


    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nic5 intnet
    VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --intnet5 "test01"

    Configuring NIC

    • To use VLAN and some other things in VMs the Promiscuous mode have to be enabled


      VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nicpromisc5 allow-all
    • Use other hardware type (Intel Pro/1000 MT Server)


      VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --nictype5 82545EM
    • Dis/connect cable


      VBoxManage modifyvm network-test --cableconnected5 off

    BRON: More than 4 Network Cards in Virtualbox